Ensemble Culture Solidarite nb (ECSNB) is a non-profit cultural, charitable and community association. The association is characterized by the values ​​of multiculturalism, solidarity and the well-being of the human person. Our ambition is to allow our cultures to enrich themselves with the cultures of others in order to form a common society rich in the harmony of its diversity and multiculturalism.

About the Denomination, Headquarters and Objectives

Together for Culture and Solidarity New Brunswick (ECSNB)’s mission is:

ECSNB aims for a multicultural and united society in New Brunswick.

Our Testimonials

What they are talking about ECSNB

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ECSNB aims to promote culture and solidarity through various activities and projects. Our goal is to create bridges between different communities, with an emphasis on cultural exchange and mutual aid.

There are several ways to get involved: by becoming a member, participating in our events, making a donation, or becoming a volunteer. For more information, visit our “Participate” page

Yes, ECSNB regularly organizes cultural events, workshops, and solidarity initiatives open to all. Check our events calendar for upcoming dates.

The funds collected are used to organize cultural events, support solidarity projects, and cover the association's operational costs. We are committed to full transparency regarding the use of funds.

To stay informed, you can subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media, or regularly check our website for the latest updates.

Our expert team

Meet the team behind their success story

Samuel Milengue Isumbu


Carmel Doiron

Vice président

